
Finding your purpose – Ikigai

Nov 22, 2023 | Being Authentic

Over the last year I’ve talked to a growing number of people who’ve got to a point in their lives where they feel the need to take stock. To look at what they’ve done so far, where they’ve been and where they’re going – a moment to wonder about jobs, relationships, and occasionally even what the point of it all is.


We might only take a minute out of our busy lives to reflect and then move on. However, for some of us those moments not only last a lot longer but seem to keep coming up at different points. And can make us take a good hard look at ourselves. When that happens, we can often realise we don’t know who we are any more and whether what we’re doing is really bringing us satisfaction. Life in today’s world is uncertain and complex; we can all feel we have little choice or influence over many aspects of our lives and often we don’t. But sometimes we can make changes, including working out the direction we want to head in and why.

Having recently been to Japan, I became even more curious about the way they approach life and work out what’s important for them. I had already come across the concept of Ikigai, a Japanese word or concept that broadly means ‘your life purpose’ before I left the UK. While in Japan I saw it in action for the first time. Further investigations revealed that number of those who have spent time researching Ikigai believe it’s made up of a number of elements and that we can find Ikigai at the intersection of those.

As the diagram below shows those components are

  • What you love
  • What the world needs (or what your relationships need)
  • What you are good at, and
  • What you can be paid for.
Ikigai diagram

This model can help us work through the different elements and look at where we are and where we might want to be. It can help sort out our thoughts and look at our values.

A good place to start is by thinking of what you love to do. Maybe you’re a maker and love to create? Maybe cooking is your passion? Maybe you just love Excel spreadsheet and are a wiz at workbooks? You can start small and maybe see if you can do something for friends and family. Payment here may be in the form of gratitude from the people you’ve helped in some way.

It might be difficult to for us get a balance or fulfil all four of the components all of the time, but we can use them to help decide what to do and just as importantly what not to do. They can take you some way towards leading a more fulfilled life and to finding your own particular purpose.


What’s happening to our attention?
What’s happening to our attention?

I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m finding it harder and harder to give my full attention to just one thing; to tune out the background noise, sensations, intrusive thoughts and focus on what’s important to me.

We need more time to think!
We need more time to think!

This a plea that I’ve heard from numerous people over the years. Time to pause, to reflect, time to actually think about the next steps and maybe even spend some time thinking with others to come up with new creative and innovative answers to those tricky issues.

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